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Common Braces Myths

Orthodontic treatment, particularly braces, has come a long way in recent years and is now a common treatment for people of all ages; despite this, there are still myths about braces & orthodontics that can negatively affect future patients.

Myths about orthodontics can cause a person who needs this treatment to be afraid and reject it, which will be worse for their oral health in the long run. Therefore, at Orthodontic Experts, we want to debunk some common myths and facts about braces to clarify these myths and demonstrate the benefits of orthodontics at any age.

Myths & Facts About Braces Everyone Should Know

When you start your orthodontic treatment, you might hear some false information and misunderstandings about braces. But there is no need to stress; Orthodontic Experts have a well-trained team of experts who provide accurate information and help you feel confident about orthodontic treatment.

To assist you, we will clear common myths about braces so that you can have the correct facts and confidently move forward with your treatment.

Myth #1: Dental Braces are only for Children and teens:

Did you know braces are not only for kids and teens? According to a study by Orthodontics Australia, 62% of adults in Australia are considering orthodontic treatment. As a result, orthodontists all across Australia are increasingly treating more and more adults with braces and other orthodontic treatments; some specialist orthodontic practices say 25-30% of their new patients are adults over 18.

The truth is, you can get orthodontic treatment at any age; your teeth can move and shift even if you’re older. It’s possible that you had straight teeth when you were younger, but as you’ve aged, they have become crowded or misaligned. Or maybe you might have always had a bad bite but never did anything about it. Braces can fix these changes and make your teeth straight again; it’s not too late to do something about your crooked teeth.

Myth #2: Once I Get My Braces off My Teeth Will be Straight Forever

It’s a common misconception that the teeth will stay straight forever once braces are removed. However, this isn’t true because it takes time for the gums, bones, and muscles to adjust to the changes.

Once the braces are removed, nothing prevents your teeth from shifting back to their previous position; that’s why wearing a retainer is important, as it helps keep your teeth in the right place so they don’t move. Think of it this way: Braces straighten your teeth while the retainer maintains its position. They help your teeth “retain” their position by providing a gentle and constant force to hold them in place while the surrounding tissues and bones support the teeth.

Myth #3: Braces are Painful

There may actually be some slight discomfort associated with installing your dental appliance; however, when asked to rate their level of discomfort, most patients give it a score of 2 on a scale of 1 to 10 (with ten being extremely painful).

Thanks to new technology, we can now make special materials that help reduce the force used to move the teeth, with gentle and constant force that enables increased comfort; additionally, there are a multitude of procedures to follow to reduce your discomfort. Your orthodontist has more than one trick up their sleeve!

Myth #4: Braces can rust

Can braces rust in your mouth? After all, they’re made of metal, and metal can get rusty over time when in contact with water, right? But this is actually a myth. Braces cannot rust in your mouth.

Orthodontic braces are generally made from materials such as stainless steel and titanium that are resistant to rust and decay; these materials are highly durable and designed to handle the normal wear of everyday use.

However, to ensure the longevity of braces and maintain oral health, it is crucial to practice adequate oral hygiene, such as daily brushing and flossing: this helps prevent plaque and bacteria buildup, which can damage braces or cause other oral health issues.

Myth #5: Braces cost a lot of money

Although this may be true for some people, every individual case is different and may need various levels of care. Because of this, prices may vary as well. Many clinics offer complimentary consultations and have flexible payment plans to help with the overall costs of braces for teeth.

At Orthodontic Experts, however, we strive to make orthodontic treatment accessible by helping others manage the cost of braces. Talk to us about the potential of insurance covering and other means that can aid you in perfecting your smile for a price that works with your wallet.

Myth #6: Braces set off metal detectors

If you’re worried that your braces might cause the metal detectors to sound an alarm as you proceed through the metal detectors at airport security, you don’t need to be concerned.

While, yes, metal braces are constructed of metal, they’re incredibly lightweight, and it would be virtually impossible for them to trigger the metal detector. Airport security is specifically looking for certain types of metal, and the metal detectors are set to a specific level of sensitivity before they work; otherwise, they’d go off all day for little things like zippers on bags.

So, if you’re planning a trip and have braces, have no fear; you’ll easily pass through the metal detector without any issues.

Myth #7: Having braces means I can no longer eat my favourite foods

While it may be true that some foods can potentially harm the wires and brackets of your braces, you can still enjoy most of your favourite foods– all it takes is a little extra care and preparation. Foods that are hard or crunchy, such as raw apples and carrots, nuts, and popcorn, as well as sticky foods like candies with caramel and taffy, can cause your braces to break and even cause damage to your teeth, tongue and gums.

We’ll give you the detailed list of foods that are a “no-no” during treatment at your appointment, but rest assured- it’s not as extensive as you might think, and it’s only for a little while, soon you will be back to eating those foods you’ve been longing for.

Myth #8: I can’t play sports with braces

Is it ok to play sports with braces on? The quick answer is yes – you can participate in sports while wearing braces. The real question is how?

Safeguarding your teeth and braces while playing sports is crucial to ensure the success of your braces treatment plan.

Many people are afraid that having braces will prevent them from doing something they love or that they will be restricted in their preferred sports when it comes to braces.

For braces patients playing sports, it is advisable to wear an orthodontic mouthguard to shield their mouth from any potential injury. You can use an appropriate orthodontic mouthguard to play any contact sports with braces. Even in light-contact sports like baseball, it is advisable to wear a mouthguard to protect the smile you’re working so hard for.

Myth #9: Braces take a long time

The length of time needed for braces treatment can vary depending on the specific dental issue and its severity. However, you won’t be in treatment forever, and most patients typically wear braces for one to two years. Nowadays, advancements in orthodontic technology, such as shape-memory wires and digital treatment planning, help teeth move more efficiently, allowing for a quicker and more impressive outcome.

While it might initially seem like a long time to wear braces, around two years, it’s essential to remember that orthodontic treatment aims to improve your smile and overall oral health. In the grand scheme of things, two years is a relatively short period, resulting in a fantastic smile that will last a lifetime. To put it into perspective, we’ve had hairstyles that lasted longer than that!

Myth #10: Braces are the only option for straightening your teeth

Dental braces have been the most common option for correcting teeth. But it’s not the only choice available to you! Advancements in orthodontic technology have provided patients with more ways to achieve their smile goals.

At Orthodontic Experts, we also offer clear aligner or Lingual Braces options to provide patients with a subtle and comfortable way to straighten their teeth.

Advances in technology have made clear aligners highly effective in most cases, these custom systems use digital images and three-dimensional planning to achieve precise results.

Many successful Doctors are recognized worldwide for successfully treating complex cases using clear aligners.

Remember that accurate and up-to-date information is crucial when considering orthodontic treatment.


Remember, orthodontic treatment is suitable for patients of all ages. By addressing common myths about braces, our goal is to provide you with accurate information so that you can make an informed decision and feel confident about your treatment.

Don’t let false information stop you from getting the smile you desire. Trust in the expertise of our team, embrace the latest orthodontic technology and take the initial step towards a healthier and more confident smile.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and start your journey towards a straighter and healthier smile.

Orthodontic Experts is here to help you throughout your orthodontic treatment and provide you with the personalized care you deserve. Say goodbye to the myths and hello to a beautiful smile that will last a lifetime.

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