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What Is Braces Wax For and How to Use It

Dental wax is a very effective solution for reducing discomfort with braces, especially during the initial days, as brackets and wires can sometimes rub against the tissues of the mouth, and wax is a way of protecting them from this.

So, if you want to protect yourself and avoid the discomfort caused by braces, keep reading because we give you all the important information you need to know.

What is Wax for Braces?

Braces wax, also known as orthodontic wax or dental wax, is used to reduce pain caused by braces rubbing in the mouth; it has flexible properties and acts as a shield between your braces and sensitive mouth tissues.

This wax is made from natural ingredients like beeswax or petroleum-derived wax, available in small, convenient strips, and can be easily applied.

Don’t panic if you ingest a little wax, as the Canadian Association of Orthodontists confirms that it’s common for patients to ingest a small amount of wax if it comes off while talking or eating and that it has no side effects.

At Orthodontic Experts, we provide dental wax to patients who undergo treatments with braces so that they can use it in the case of sores or friction.

Why Use Wax for Braces?

It’s best to use wax when you feel discomfort or pain in specific areas of your mouth. Your mouth and the braces rub against each other. Sometimes, the wire we use to adjust your teeth can move a little and poke out. If that happens, let us know so we can fix it; in the meantime, you can use the wax to prevent any irritation to your cheeks.

If a bracket or wire is lost, you can use a piece of wax to secure it until we can fix it. Wax can also help stop any food particles from sticking in your braces, which helps keep them clean and free from bacteria. Orthodontic wax can even save the day after your braces come off.

How to Apply Wax on Braces

Here are the steps you can follow to apply braces wax for a comfortable experience:

  • Clean your hands and brush your teeth thoroughly to prevent any bacteria.
  • Ensure your braces are dry, and apply wax.
  • Identify the areas inside of your cheeks and lips where the wires of the braces are causing you discomfort.
  • Take a little wax and roll it into a ball.
  • To warm up the wax, hold it for about 5 seconds.
  • Place the small ball of wax on the painful area and gently rub it.

You can also apply wax directly to troublesome brackets or wires to create a protective barrier.

How Long Can You Keep Braces Wax On?

You don’t want to keep braces wax on longer than two days at a time. Realistically, that won’t be possible since you’ll have to remove your braces wax to eat and drink. Still, two days is the maximum amount of time you can keep wax. Make sure to keep your braces wax in until it’s time to eat, then remove it and put new wax in your mouth. Don’t reuse your braces wax!

Benefits of Dental Wax

There are many benefits of using dental wax, as it improves your comfort during orthodontic treatment. Here are some of them:

It Relieves Irritation: Braces wax provides immediate relief by creating a protective layer that reduces friction and eases discomfort caused by braces.

Prevents Ulcer Formation: It acts as a cushion to prevent the development of painful ulcers or canker sores by protecting tissues from sharp edges and rough surfaces.

Ease Adjustments: During regular brace adjustments, we apply wax to areas experiencing increased pressure, which significantly eases discomfort. It also facilitates a smoother adjustment to changes in the orthodontic treatment.

Protects Against Cheek Bites: Orthodontic wax minimizes the risk of accidental cheek bites, specifically during meals or conversations, by reducing the impact and preventing unnecessary injuries to the inner cheeks.

Improve Speech: Using braces to prevent brackets’ interference with tongue movements, which improves speech clarity and pronunciation, helping individuals regain confidence in their communication during orthodontic treatment.

How to Care for Braces and Dental Wax

Taking care of your braces and dental wax is really important for keeping your mouth healthy. Here are some easy tips to remember:

First, before you brush your teeth, gently take off any dental wax stuck to your braces. Then, make sure to brush your teeth two times every day and clean around the little brackets and wires of your braces.

It’s important to clean really well in all the tricky spots to stop plaque from building up. You can also use special dental floss or a tiny brush to clean between your teeth and around your braces. Finally, rinse your mouth with fluoride mouthwash to make your teeth stronger and protect them from getting cavities while you’re wearing braces.

Dos And Don’ts of Using Dental Wax

When you use dental wax with braces, there are some do’s and don’ts. Follow these tips to use braces wax correctly to avoid any problems.


  • Make sure your braces and teeth are clean and dry before putting on the wax. This helps the wax stick better and protects your mouth effectively.
  • Use a small amount of wax, like the size of a pea, and roll it into a ball. This makes it easier to shape and put on the right spot.
  • Focus on areas where your braces are causing discomfort. Apply the wax directly to those spots like brackets, wires, or sharp edges that are bothering your mouth.
  • After putting on the wax, use your fingers to smooth it out against your braces. This keeps it in place and protects the sensitive parts of your mouth.
  • The wax can wear off or become less effective over time. Replace it often, especially after eating or brushing your teeth, to keep protecting your mouth.


  • Using too much wax can feel uncomfortable and bulky in your mouth. Stick to small amounts and only use it where you need it.
  • Wax is meant for temporary relief, not a permanent fix. Take it off before eating, brushing, or going to the dentist. Leaving it on too long can cause bacteria to build up or harm your braces.
  • Once you take off a piece of wax, throw it away. Using old wax again can introduce germs or make it less effective at protecting your mouth.
  • While wax helps with discomfort, it’s important to address any bigger issues with your braces. If you’re still in pain or having problems, talk to your orthodontist for the right solution.


When you need to straighten or align your crooked teeth, getting braces is a great investment you can make to fix them, but they can bring major discomfort during the initial phase. Brace wax can help you get comfortable during these starting days.

However, you need to remember that dental wax is only temporary to ease your discomfort; it’s better to consult your orthodontist before using it as a precaution.

At Orthodontic Experts, we always strive to provide top-notch dental treatments. Now, you don’t have to cover your mouth anymore when smiling due to crooked teeth. Get the outcome you deserve with our orthodontic treatment that includes clear aligner treatment, traditional braces, and Lingual Braces.

Schedule an appointment now and get a well-aligned, beautiful smile with our safe and effective orthodontic treatment at a reasonable price.

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